spam email

Spam Spoofed Emails

Recently we have seen a large amount of malicious emails, in which the sender claims to have hacked your email account and placed malicious software on your PC to steal your personal information. These emails can be fairly convincing, often containing an old password of yours that has been compromised in a data-breach and will use email spoofing to make it appear as though it has been sent from your own email account.

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Online Security – Take Action Now! We would like to reiterate that all users must be very careful when clicking any form of link be it a link to an unknown website or an attachment embedded within an email. If the sender is unknown or you feel that the email is not actually from the stated sender it is better to ignore the email than risk opening it.

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Isn’t it time you made a change?

Are you hesitant to reach out to your IT support provider?   • Can you count on your IT support company as a professional staff member? • Are you encouraged to ask questions? • Do you feel comfortable discussing all IT issues, no matter how minor? • Are they proactive partners or just firefighters? •…